Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Kim Kardashian Crashes Into Another Vehicle On Sunset Boulevard In Beverly Hills

Kim Kardashian has crashed into another car along Sunset Boulevard in Beverly Hills.  Kim was caught in a collision in California Tuesday, after she smashed her $100,000 Mercedes G Wagon into another vehicle.  She was reportedly turning left at an intersection and the other vehicle was travelling in the opposite direction with his right indicator on, but the driver failed to make the turn and carried on straight, which resulted in the collision, according to media outlet, TMZ.  Kim Kardashian and the other driver pulled into the Beverly Hills Hotel after the blunder to exchange insurance details, before sharing a hug.
Both cars reportedly suffered some damage in the accident, but the police were not informed, and neither parties were injured. This isn’t the first time Kardashian has found herself in a spot of bother while driving her plush motor as she was pulled over last November in Los Angeles for allegedly trying to outrun paparazzi.  However, a law enforcement insider said at the time that the police were also furious with the photographers as the incident endangered multiple lives including Kim Kardashian, other drivers on the road, and the officers involved.  Last year, a Lamborghini belonging to her fiancé Kanye West was damaged by a gate of the Kardashian’s home closing onto the car.


1 comment :

  1. Glad no one got hurt, and both parties even hugged and exchange insurance without a rant from either side.


As Always, Open Discussion

If anyone out there in cyberspace - who followed and know the complete history (from 'almost' day one) of Jon and Kate Gosselin -- this blog is for those who want to discuss and show their support for Jon (even if everyone thinks he is a "douche-bag" he's still the father of the Gosselin 8. Jon has made mistakes in his past. He has apologized for those mistakes and to everyone through the media and to Kate - even if she wouldn't let him apologize to her face to face, Jon has apologized to Kate (more than I can say for Kate, "She has not apologized to Jon or the public yet.") No matter what you think of Jon, I support him as a person and the father of the Gosselin 8 and for all he's been through, especially with his 10 year marriage to Kate Gosselin. If you're not a supporter of Jon, that is your decision, do not attack any of my posters or me (T) on this blog or demand anything from my posters or me (T) that justifies our support for Jon. If any attacks or demands are made against my posters or me (T), you will be deleted from this blog. It is our right to support Jon and our freedom to express our opinions about Jon. If you don't like it -- that's too bad!